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Camino at CALBO 2021!

The Marriott was up to code this week as the California League of Building Officials (CALBO) Conference got underway on Monday morning in Newport Beach, CA. For many attending, this was the first opportunity in over a year to see colleagues, counterparts, and friendly competition. Despite a smaller-than-usual crowd, it was impossible to miss how happy everyone was to be sharing stories and hanging out with each other again.

For Camino, this was a great opportunity to gain some invaluable in-person experience interacting with and learning from the leading members of the agencies we serve. Not only did we come away with a deeper understanding of the day to day operations in the permit center, we were able to meet other actors within the industry such as governing bodies like the International Code Council (ICC), or consulting firms such as Interwest. We also loved seeing some of our existing customers, hearing about their experiences actually using Camino’s tools, and catching up a bit.

The exhibition area was light on visitors, but we were still able to share our story with many agencies at the city, county, and administrative body levels. We enjoyed spending more time with those visiting the booth, learning about their particular agency’s initiatives, and explaining how we can bring value to their permitting process. We left on Tuesday afternoon sunburnt, but happy with the meetings we have set for the future and the relationships we continue to build with CALBO.